
Prophetic Words for 2017

Welcome to the year of Our Lord 2017.  I asked you all to send me prophetic words you believed to be applicable to 2017.  Five of you responded.  I took the liberty of editing out the personal and non-prophetic portions of the responses and I am posting below each of the responses I received.  The person submitting the response is indicated by the initials at the end of each paragraph.  As is true of all conversations prophetic people tend to hear and believe most readily those things their own ideas most readily accept.  I judge all these responses to be from the Lord.  Below the responses I have also added what I believe I have heard the Holy Spirit speak about 2017.  You are invited to judge what I have heard. I am fascinated to observe some degree of overlap and affirmation among the words.

The Responses:

Be confident in who you are as my sons, be confident in my voice, be ready to follow me wherever I take you even if you are uncomfortable.  Trust, trust, trust, be my vessel for you are a beacon shining bright for those who are looking for truth and life.  Don’t let others keep you from following the path I have set forth for you.  Let go of your own understanding.  The Sons of God  are being trained and transformed rapidly to teach others to become disciples.  People are questioning more and more the church system and following rules.  My sons must be confident in themselves to teach others about the freedom Papa is offering. Sons must be willing to suffer for others and serve.  EW 

The Father says be ready, the people are coming. They’re tired, thirsty, and hungry for Me.  EW

I had a vision this morning of the bride all living together in a mansion very well lighted on a hill. Below the hill was just darkness. People were tired, wounded, crawling to get up the hill to the mansion. Some of them couldn’t make it and Papa helped them. Some of them turned away and left before getting there.  EW

I had a vision of lots and lots of people coming to know Papa this year.  HW

As darkness is covering the earth, God’s grace (favor) is being poured out in abundance on those who will receive it. Receive the abundance of His grace and His gift of righteousness so that we may rule as a nation of kings and priests. TG

For many this year will be a time to enter God’s rest as they learn that Christ is all they need, because Christ is all they have. TG

For many many others, this will be a time time to receive the answers to prayers they have prayed long ago and have not yet received, because the time was not right until now.  TG

“Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples, but the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” — Isaiah 60:1,2

Because of the darkness, many hearts will be opened to hear the good news of the kingdom of God. Let us be ready to share the life of Christ who is in us.  TG

Do not slack in prayer and worship for it facilitates intimacy with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, and it releases Him and His angels to fulfill His purposes. In these days of turmoil and uncertainty, focused, specific prayer and intercession will keep the enemy of our Lord’s plans at bay while God arranges events to his glory and the benefit of His bride. Darkness will attempt to overtake His saints, but persistence in prayer and worship will shed light on you and all in your sphere of influence.  BR

Pray for the Lord to help us use the gifts of the Spirit more often and ask God to help give us the faith and courage to do so.  SF

God really wants the body of Christ to pray that God will raise up works for the harvest within His Church — men and women who will be fearless ambassadors for for the name of Jesus.   SF

This will be a year of restoration. This will be a year that focuses on teaching people to put their hope and faith in Papa so that all the things that have been taken from them or lost, like peace and joy and love, may be returned. These things that people thought they could never get back because they have tried and tried looking in all the wrong places.  EW

Stuart’s Report

Holy Spirit tells me that in 2017  He will be pursuing several themes with the Bride:

A.  Holy Spirit will reveal to the Bride that the Body of Christ is much smaller.  He will be teaching extensively about Jesus’ understanding the way is narrow and only a few will enter.  He will reveal more and more about Father’s dislike of counting numbers and finding satisfaction in numerical impact.  The story of Gideon’s army will be an important theme.

B.  Holy Spirit will actively instruct the Body concerning the futility of intellectually based ministry.  He will emphasize Spiritual revelation and the Spiritual weapons of our warfare.  The Bride will be encouraged to tear down the strongholds of Satan which imprison men and women who desire to follow Jesus.  Freedom will become a battle cry.

C.  Holy Spirit will continue and expand His teaching the Body to honor the importance of joints of relationship.  He will continue to emphasize that all authority continues to be resident in Jesus personally and thus our joints of relationship are always servant and example based not power or authority based.

D.  Holy Spirit will continue to cry out to us to draw into personal intimacy with Jesus.  In this year many will come to recognize the futility of corporate worship and music services which are not springing from the intimacy of the betrothed Bride with her beloved Bridegroom.

E.  Holy Spirit will actively instruct the Saints to stop believing about and defining persons based on what we see from a human point of view.  (See 2nd Corinthians 5) He will be teaching Saints to see others, themselves, and the Bride of Christ, from the Father’s perspective and Jesus’ perspective.  He will be emphasizing Spiritual revelation of what is in the Father’s heart.

Your judgement of these words is invited.  Your comments and additional insights are also invited.

His, thus Yours,

6 thoughts on “Prophetic Words for 2017

  1. Hey Stuart…Just finishing Bevere’s “Driven by Eternity.” It very much echos the narrow road which we rarely hear from the pulpits today. Blessings!


  2. Restoration, favor, grace, freedom, relationship, worship, joy. Papa has been gently and persistently putting these into action in my family. I did not have a specific message for 2017 to share, but favor and restoration especially have been a theme in my family. It is beautiful!


  3. Hi Stuart. Your sharings are always encouraging.  Thank you for doing this for the Body of Christ. I didn’t necessarily resonate with the input you received from others although all of them were good. However, each of yours struck a chord in my heart.  If I could put into one word what I believe He has been telling me it would be HOPE…Godly Hope for salvations that come in firmly planted with understanding that continuing on to become a DISCIPLE and not just a believer is what He wants for His bride…Godly HOPE for those already believers no matter for how many years to have new epiphancies (or convictions) and understanding of just WHO HE IS and what it really means to live for Him and not ourselves, especially His Holiness.  Godly HOPE based in faith and love for each day and  to make the sacrifice of time to be with Him in order to see and hear with our hearts what He is directing us to focus on (think), act, speak and walk. In Him, Ivy


  4. I sense an urgency in the spirit to keep our lamps trimmed because Christs return is so very close. The Spirit led me to the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Recently God has been calling me into deeper fellowship with himself and to be sensitive to the needs of people around me. It is so easy to become preoccupied with details and lose sight of the Masters heart and purpose. Paul said . “we know nothing as we ought”. I just want to remain meek and teachable so I may be transformed into his image. The day of the Lord will soon be at hand and knowing his heart and personal ministry in our lives is what causes us to become living epistles. I desire to be the friend of God and to draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith in him and his love towards me… When we operate from that premise our cups run over and goodness and mercy follow us.. we already are dwelling in the house of the Lord spiritually. We forget our position as seated above and in the eternal realms of his glory. Father in heaven, help us to remember our heavenly station and honor all you have done for Christ has proclaimed, ” I Am the resurrection and the life”. We already have received our inheritance with the saints. “Walk in Love as dear children”. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto our path”.


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